Thursday, May 7, 2009

Have to come back to religion just for a moment and only because I read with utter amazement, though I don’t know why, when it comes to peoples beliefs, I should be amazed by anything, that a number of policemen in Scotland when asked their religion replied ‘Jedi!’ Were they serious? Could this possibly be true? Unfortunately the answer seems to be yes as evidently something like 300000 people in the UK would give the same answer. They believe in something dreamed up in a sci-fi movie for goodness sake, admittedly a very good movie, the only movie I ever suggested we go and see two consecutive evenings and was just as thrilled with it second time round, but the basis for a religious belief? Oh, come on, get a life! But, when you come to think of it, if Jedi is what you want to believe, why not? It isn’t the only sci-fi religion going. Tom Cruise is into Scientology, a load of bosh if ever there was, also thought up by a sci-fi writer. Madonna has her fake Rabbi. Innumerable people over the years have been taken in by Mary Baker Eddy’s nonsense. Did none of them ever stop for a moment to wonder why animals get sick, or plants, or even rocks for that matter? There are those though who believe in healing stones and crystals. Maybe they could heal each other. I believe though that the “Christian Science Monitor” has shut up shop which is a shame. It was a very good paper. Then there is aura soma, a system of “colour soul therapy.” Choose from four bottles of colour and your whole psyche is laid bare.
Women seem to be in the forefront when it comes to indulging in mysticism and inventing beliefs. Think of Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy, more science-fiction in fact, just a different blend. Stands to reason I suppose. In ancient Greece if you wanted to know your future or the outcome of something, apart from Apollo it was always a female lurking in her cave, grotto or temple who gave you the news. So, if you have fairies at the bottom of your garden, treat them with due respect or you might get a Jedi knight swinging his light sabre in your direction. Alternatively you might be abducted by aliens and taken to goodness knows where to have needles shoved into the most sensitive and painful places. Ouch! So may the force be with you.
When I mentioned exhibitionism and voyeurism the other day I should have also added narcissism because, come to think of it, somebody watching him/herself on their computer screen as they masturbate just has to be a devotee of that poor misguided youth. One good thing though, unlike the beautiful original who drowned in the pond for love of his image, you can’t drown in a computer screen, not physically anyway. The Greeks really did know what nature is all about. Apart from the myth of Narcissus just think of Zeus and his Ganymede.
The spate of porno spam does not abate mostly involving horses, presumably because they have the biggest pricks. Why not try elephants? Are there pathetic creatures out there who open these messages (mostly badly typed or even illiterate)?
The debate continues in England on the fate of baby P(eter), brutally murdered by his mother’s violent boy friend. There have been a number of these deaths and, according to statistics, the number of children at risk because of broken homes is too enormous to even think about. Whatever happened to happy families?

1 comment:

Ian said...

I believe the Jedi response is simply a joke, which as you suggest, religion is.

Here is a quote with statistics from the most recent UK census:

The 2001 census reveals that 390,000 people across England and Wales are devoted followers of the Jedi "faith" made famous by the blockbuster films.

Prior to the census in April 2001, an e-mail was circulated stating that if 10,000 people put Jedi on the census form, it would become a "fully recognised and legal religion".

"Do it because you love Star Wars... or just to annoy people," the message declared to supporters.

And although the sci-fi sect was not officially listed as a religion, collators did include a special code to register the Jedis.

Out of 52m respondents, 390,000 kept true to the Star Wars cause.

The Jedi response was most popular in Brighton and Hove, with 2.6 per cent of census respondents quoting it.

Best wishes
